Beyond Gibbsianity

Mathematical foundations of classical and quantum equilibrium statistical mechanics go back to 1960’s and 70’s and classical works of Araki, Haag, Hugenholtz, Dobrushin, Lanford, Robinson, Ruelle, Winnick and many others. In contrast, our understanding of non-equilibrium phenomena is still in formative stages. This workshop will bring together leading experts on the subject, summarize the current state of the field, and map the road for future developments.


Confirmed Speakers

  • Tristan Benoist (Toulouse)
  • Alexandre Boritchev (Lyon)
  • Laurent Bruneau (Cergy)
  • Noé Cuneo (Université de Paris)
  • Jürg Fröhlich (ETHZ)
  • Alain Joye (Grenoble)
  • Hans Maassen (University of Amsterdam)
  • Marco Merkli (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
  • Clément Pellegrini (Toulouse)
  • Charles-Edouard Pfister (EPFL)
  • Claude-Alain Pillet (Toulon)
  • Renaud Raquépas (Cergy)
  • Armen Shirikyan (Cergy)
  • Evgeny Verbitskiy (Leiden University)

The meeting will take place in the Pi Building of the downtown campus of Toulon University: Room FA.010 on the ground floor of the Faron aisle (a map of the building is available here). Two rooms, FA.605 and FA.610, will be at our disposal for discussions.

There is no registration fee, but registration is mandatory (you will need an ID to enter the building, contact one of the organizers at the link below).

All participants will be hosted at Hotel Ibis Styles Centre Port

Organizers: Vojkan Jaksic, Annalisa Panati, Claude-Alain Pillet, Armen Shirikyan


Agence Nationale de la Recherche Centre de Physique Théorique Laboratoire de Mathématique Analyse Géométrie Modélisation Université de Toulon Centre de Recherches Mathématiques